Boys State interview with WJTS Bill Potter 21 Dec 23
Hoosier Boys State
Jasper post’s Boys State participation tops list
Hoosier Boys State
Closing Ceremonies
June 15, 2012
2023 2023
Staff Day
Hoosier Boys State Staff meeting and Dinner at Golf Course Club House, Delicious food and a wonderful time renewing friendships, making new ones and gain valuable information.
This is the 75th year of
The cost of the
American Legion Post 147 Chairman Daniel B Lawson, The 8th District and The Department of Indiana would like to say thank you to all the Sponsors for their generous support in providing an opportunity for these young men with a life changing and educational experience, especially this year being an election. Again on behalf of the Delegates and all of those evolved we say Thank You In appreciation for you assistance.
Chairman for Jasper Post 147
Daniel B Lawson
2561 Birk Dr
Jasper, IN 47546
Cell: 812-631-4728
Email: dble754@gmail.com
American Legion Boys State is among the most respected educational programs of government instruction for high school students. It is a participatory program where each participant becomes a part of the operation of his local, county and state government.
High school juniors are selected by the local American Legion Post, S.A.L. Squadron and local sponsors to attend the program. In most cases, expenses associated with attending this program are paid by a sponsoring American Legion Post and S.A.L. Squadron, along with local religious and civic organizations as well as individuals.
The Jasper American Legion Post 147 and S.A.L. Squadron currently sponsors 1 young man each from
Dear American Legion Boys State Citizen,
Congratulations and welcome to The American Legion Boys State family! I am confident that you will not be disappointed with your decision to participate in this outstanding citizenship education experience. It will likely influence your life decisions in ways that you cannot fully appreciate until years later.
American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for high school students in the nation. As one of more than 20,000 young men who participate nationwide in this activity, you will experience government in a practical sense by actually participating in it. American Legion Boys State is a leadership action program; one that teaches government and its structure. It proves that government is just what you make it. You will find it to be challenging and sometimes tiring, but I’m certain you will always find it to be enjoyable and educational!
Our form of government requires citizen involvement if it is to continue. The American Legion Boys State program strives to meet that objective. If this government “….of the people, by the people, and for the people” is to continue, the burden of the task rests squarely on your shoulders and those of your generation.
Some pictures of Boys State
For more inforamtion about
"A Week to Shape a Lifetime"
Click on the link below
The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors a similar program for young ladies called Girls State.