
The American Legion Post 147



Rental Information and photo's of our Facility.



Payment must be made out to the American Legion Post 147 two weeks before the use of the facility.  We accept VISA, Master Card, Discover Card and Debit Cards.  This is a non-smoking and that will hold up to approximately 240 people.  All parties are to end by 12:00PM, and out by 12:30AM.

Rental Fees

Small Parties, Showers, Graduation Parties--Under 4 hours

Big Parties and Weddings


Food is available from our Kitchen for parties up to 50 people.  Check with out Kitchen Manager for further information.  Food can be catered in for all parties and banquets.  This is the responsibility of the party renting the facility.  See the manager for details.


Indiana State Law requires that only a licensed bartender may serve alcoholic beverages.  Bartenders can be provided through the Legion Post.  The fee for the bartender is $10.00 per hour if serving beer and soft drinks only.  The fee for the bartender is $15.00 per hour if serving a full bar.  The bartender must be paid the day/evening of the event.

If you are providing your own bartender they must have a valid bartender's license.  The Post Manager must see the valid license and the bartender must have the license on his or her person when bartending.  Bartenders may not serve alcoholic beverages anyone under the age of 21, and have the right to refuse service to anyone they feel has had too much too drink.

Anyone who rents the facilities must purchase all drinks from the Post, regardless of type.

No alcholoic beverages served by the bartender may be taken out of the building.





In many cases, you can decorate the room the day before the event.  Please check with the manager the week of the event to confirm the earliest time the room would be available.  There will be no nails, thumbtacks, or tape used on the walls or ceiling.  There will be no marbles, sand or glitter used.  All candles must be enclosed, and all helium balloons must be tied down.  All decorations must be removed the evening of the event, unless other arrangements are made.  We will not be held responsible for any decorations left overnight.



The responsible party will be liable for any damages done to the properties of the American Legion Post or any bodily injuries caused by the responsible party or guests.  A $100 damage deposit is required.  If there are no damages upon the manager's inspection, the deposit will be refunded.  All guests, band members and family are allowed 1 hour after the band plays its final song, to remove equipment, gifts, and any decorations you wish to keep.



By signing this Rental Agreement you are stating that you have read and understand all parts of this agreement.  You may reserve the facility with a deposit of $50.00 for up to 12 months in advance.  Bring the signed agreement to the Post with the date you want to rent the facility and your deposit.  The rental fee (less the deposit) must be paid at least two (2) weeks in advance of the rental date.  We cannot guarantee any prices or policies for more than a period of 12 months.  

We reserve the right to reject any requests to rent or use any of the American Legion Post 147 facilities.

American Legion Post 147 Facility Rental Agreement

Name of Renter__________________________________________________Date_________________

Name of Renter__________________________________________________Date_________________

Date to be Rented_______________________________________________Price________________

Managers Approval_______________________________________________Date__________________ 


Continue on to the next page for Basement photo's